The image shows representatives from Soundscene presenting a cheque to staff and volunteers from LLBS outside the office in Louth.

Donation from Soundscene

Lincoln and Lindsey Blind Society were delighted to receive a cheque for £21,000.00 from Soundscene, who have produced a talking edition of The Grimsby Telegraph since 1980. The volunteers who have worked on the project have recently taken the decision to retire and so the Lincoln and Lindsey Blind Society who are based in Louth and cover Mid and North Lincolnshire have taken on the Grimsby Telegraph in addition to already producing talking newspapers for Louth, Mablethorpe, Skegness, Gainsborough and Lincoln.

An army of volunteers give up their time every week to produce the talking newspaper and LLBS are always keen to recruit volunteers, so if you would like to give some time to help others please get in touch, details below.

Pictured are Gill Strempel and David Evardson of Soundscene presenting a cheque to Mandy Johnson, Chief Executive of Lincoln and Lindsey Blind Society, with Karen Reeson, Charity Administrator and Talking Newsapaper Volunteers Jane Riggall, Ros Riggall and Brian Cooper.

If you or anyone you know is blind or have a vision impairment and would like to know more about Lincoln and Lindsey Blind Society and the services they offer which includes a weekly talking newspaper please call 01507 605604 or email