Pictured is Ingrid presenting Magna Vitae Director of Operations, Naomi Wilkinson-Baker with the award in front of the new Leisure Centre in Mablethorpe.

LLBS Members’ Choice Award

We are delighted to have presented our first Members’ Choice Award to the newly opened Magna Vitae Mablethorpe Leisure and Learning Centre which was recommended by LLBS member Steve Pimm. The award is presented to local businesses who are Visually Impaired Friendly and have been recommended by our members for their good service.

If you would like more information go to: https://bd.llbs.co.uk/ or if you would like to nominate a business please email: ingrid@llbs.co.uk

Pictured is Ingrid presenting Magna Vitae Director of Operations, Naomi Wilkinson-Baker with the award.